Monday, February 1, 2010


Hi all you space creatures!
You have found my blog. You can take it home and put it in your fish tank, and name it Charlie. But it will always be Scoopy to me. And I will always miss it.
Forgive me it's late at night and I a bit loopy from hunger and the strange numbness you get from a bit ol' CRT monster.
Just think of reading this as stumbling into a dark room where I've got a puppet on and I'm talking to it and I say

"Oh, no, it's fine! It's just a little project I'm working on."

but you still feel like you saw something that you weren't meant to.
Well you did. And now we're after you too.
Now that my other blog has become the home of Newt Jersey, and that is hosted on, I can't just post whatever tom foolery or jim huckery or neil stabbery I feel like.
So that's what this is for.
A disturbing mix of me talking to puppets in the dark,
updates on my current projects,
and random writings that you aren't going to see anywhere else.
Why should you care? You probably shouldn't.
But there's a kid in Papillion Nebraska who lives for this stuff.
This post is going to be much too long. I've come to terms with that.
It was an abomination to begin with.

Last semester I wrote a script for Caleb Foss, an super-awesome filmmaker and fellow SUNY Purchase student. It was tough - this was my first time writing a script for a specific director. I had a very strong idea of Caleb's style and sense of humor - much of his stuff is a fantastic mix of experimental medium deconstruction type stuff and absurdist humor. For a great example, check out An Introduction To Physics, which has picked up a few awards from festivals.

The project was to be shot on video, so I really wanted the opportunity to mess with the world of the video, sort of subvert the medium. I love Tim and Eric Awesome show, and they are a great example of how hilarious/terrifying it can be to upset the medium in little ways.
My initial idea had to do with the theory that the Large Hadron Collider won't work because The Universe itself is sending crazy-waves back through time to prevent some timespacefabric destroying catastrophe that is caused by the Collider's successful operation.
I thought it would be hilarious to have a video do the same thing - try to destroy itself to preserve the integrity of the universe, or video itself. If that makes any sense. It might not. This was around the time I stopped drinking coffee.

So the idea evolved into what became Skipping Stones.

It has nothing to do with the Hadron Collider (though I am still a bit obsessed), it has all the cool crazy video subversion I was looking for, and it gave Caleb the chance to bring his video-manipulating genius to dinner.

You can download the screenplay here.

I sort of let the deconstruction of the video make its way into the script itself, which is fun. If that sounds mysterious, then read it! It is.
Awesome other facts:
Julia is the name for the rock that The God of Video kicks.
God of Video is played by Chris Frahme, also a filmmaker.
The score by Mike Hart melts your face.
The creeper in the red jacket is me.


Last semester, I acted in two iterations of an adaptation of the HP Lovecraft story The Re-animator by filmmaker John Morgan.

The first was a single take, which was fantastic and exhausting. I ruined so many takes butchering this line "There must be something keeping the neurons from reactivating. Maybe some deterioration within the axons." Now I can say it five times fast. Or ten times even.

The second was much different, and I had fewer lines to screw up. I get punched in the face! You people like that stuff.

There's some other stuff I got for you, that I have to scrounge up. I also played an old wheel chair bound man in an adaptation of The Big Sleep. That was a blast. I've begun to be type casted as an old man and a small child. I love it.
But that's all for now.
Follow me, I won't mind.
And comment too, even if it's mean spirited.
Yeah you walked in on me playing with my puppets,
but I've got enough puppets for everyone.


  1. Bryan, this is one of the most interesting blog entries I have ever read and I watched all the videos!! They were all amazing :)

  2. Yay! Thanks for reading, and come back anytime! I'm devising a card stamp feature, so your sixth visit, you get a free six inch sub.
